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How To Start A Keto Diet For Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide

When it comes to diets, there are a lot of choices out there.

In addition to traditional diet plans that emphasize eating a large quantity of foods with low amounts of fats and carbohydrates, some new diets have been cropping up.

The ketogenic diet, or Keto Diet for short, is one such new diet option that’s picking up steam among people who want to lose weight.

It’s also known as the low-carbohydrate diet or the low-carb high-protein plan.

This article will give you all the information you need about starting your own Keto Diet for weight loss.

From what it is and why you might want to consider trying it, through tips on how to get started and easy recipes you can follow along with.

Keep reading for more details

What is the Keto Diet?

The ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat eating plan. Calorie intake is restricted and the majority of foods are derived from plants.

Animal proteins are completely avoided.

The diet was first used in the 1920s as a way to treat children with epilepsy.

However, it was during the 1960s that researchers began to examine ketogenic diets again as a weight- loss method.

The early researchers were looking to induce a state of “ketosis” in their diet studies. Despite being in trial since the 1960s, the ketogenic diet didn’t really start to gain mainstream popularity until recent years.

Today it’s used by a number of people who want to lose weight, improve their metabolic health, or control epileptic seizures.

It's also used for medicinal purposes.

Ways How To Start A Keto Diet?

To start a ketogenic diet, you’ll first want to pick out a diet plan.

There are a number of options to choose from, and many of them are free to sign up for!

Once you’ve chosen a diet plan, you’ll want to find a keto-friendly way to get the nutrients you need from your food.

If you don’t eat meat, for example, you might need to choose a keto diet food plan with fish or poultry as one of your proteins.

If you don’t eat dairy products either, you may find that a keto diet food plan without them works best for you.

And if you have other dietary restrictions, you’ll want to make sure they are on the keto diet food list too.

3 Tips For Success On A Ketogenic Diet

- Schedule Meals - Are You Keto adapted and do you know what your body needs?

If not, you may find yourself getting hungry at unplanned times and overeating.

It's a good idea to plan your meals and snacks for the middle of the day.

- Drink fluids

- There is no debate on the importance of hydrating ourselves.

On a keto diet, this is especially important.

Your body is in ketosis, which means it is using ketones for energy.

It’s important to keep your electrolytes hydrated by drinking enough water.

- Don’t skip meals

- Skipping meals can be a huge mistake when following a ketogenic diet.

You should never skip breakfast or dinner on a keto diet!

Skipping these two meals will result in extreme hunger and cravings that are tough to control.

What to Eat on a Keto Diet

- Beef

- Beef is a great source of protein and iron, and it’s also low in calories.

You can eat flank steak, sirloin, round steak, or any other type of beef without worrying about the fat or calories.

- Cheese

- Cheese is one of the best keto diet foods.

It’s rich in calcium, protein, and fat, and it’s very low in carbs.

Popular types of cheese include cheddar, feta, and mozzarella.

- Eggs

- Eggs are a great source of protein and they’re also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help improve your cholesterol levels and decrease your chances of developing heart disease.

Most people on a keto diet should consume three eggs per week.

- Salmon

- Salmon is a great source of protein and it’s low in calories as well.

You can eat salmon with any vegetables you like or add it to a salad for extra flavor.

- Tomatoes

- Tomatoes are a great source of vitamin A, which helps your body absorb minerals like iron more efficiently.

Vitamin A is also good for your eyes, immune system, and skin.

- Avocados

- Avocados are another great fat-rich food that you can eat on the keto diet.

They’re rich in monosaturated fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory effects and may help reduce cholesterol levels.

Benefits of a Keto Diet

- Weight loss

- The most obvious benefit of the ketogenic diet is that it helps you lose weight.

Studies have shown that people who follow a ketogenic diet experience a 20% reduction in their body weight after 12 weeks.

It’s important to note that this weight loss is due to reduced caloric intake, not increased exercise.

- Lower blood sugar

- By cutting out refined carbs and eating more healthy fats, the ketogenic diet helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.

This aids in the prevention of Type 2 diabetes and lowers the risk of developing insulin resistance.

- Lower cholesterol levels

- The ketogenic diet reduces your intake of carbohydrates, which increases your levels of HDL cholesterol and decreases your intake of LDL cholesterol.

This means that you’re reducing your risk of developing heart disease.

- Improved metabolic health

- The ketogenic diet has been demonstrated to improve metabolic health by increasing lean body mass, decreasing blood pressure, and decreasing visceral adiposity (fat around internal organs).

- Control seizures

- The ketogenic diet has been shown to be an effective therapy for children who have intractable seizures.

Children who follow a ketogenic diet have lower than average seizure frequency compared to those on a standard diet.

Recipes for a Ketogenic Diet

- Tuna Salad

- This easy recipe is full of healthy fats and protein, and it’s low in carbs.

- Keto Egg Sandwich

- This quick and easy lunch recipe is rich in protein and it’s low in carbs.

It’s also a great source of healthy fats.

- Low Carb Keto Breakfast

- You don’t need to miss out on great keto recipes when you’re on the diet!

This one is jam-packed with protein and healthy fats.

- Keto Cole Slaw

- This classic side dish is low in calories and carb-free.

It's also low in sugar, making it ideal for the keto diet.

- Keto Barbecue Sauce

- This sauce is full of healthy fats, and it’s low in carbs as well.

It’s great for dipping or serving with seafood or meat.

Disadvantages of the Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss

- Hard to Follow - The problem with many diets is that they’re not actually sustainable.

They rarely result in long-term changes in your health, weight, or lifestyle.

This can be a challenge if you want to use the diet as a long-term tool for weight loss.

- High-Fiber Foods

- The ketogenic diet recommends that you eat high-fiber foods, which can be hard to digest.

This can lead to bloating and even negatively affect your digestive health.

- Lack of Variety

- Following this diet exclusively can be difficult.

You’ll likely miss out on a lot of tasty foods and experience cravings when you try to follow a diet that’s limited in variety.

Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

- Easy to Follow

- Since it’s based on a low-carb, high-fat diet, the ketogenic diet is easy to follow.

You don’t have to count macros or calories, or follow a strict meal plan.

- Healthy Fats

- The ketogenic diet is rich in healthy fats that can help you reach your weight loss goals.

Healthy fats have been shown to help with weight loss and to prevent metabolic disorders like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.-